Thursday, February 16, 2017

How To Choose The Best Karambit Knife ?

Karrambit Knife is very popular for Asian people especially Japanese.
Because of what ??

The reason is because the Karambit Knife is not too expensive and look like beautiful and have many styles for a buyer to choose. that's why Karambit Knife is the most popular one.

What is a Karambit Knife?

So, you’ve probably heard of a Karambit Knife and wonder what type of knife it could be. Well, a karambit knife is somewhat a remarkable utility blade meant for self-defense, precision, and efficiency. It has three main components that enhance its performance. The three are a hooked/curved blade, an ergonomic handle, and at least one safety ring. The pronunciation for a karambit greatly varies, with Minangkabau people referring it as a “kurambik” or “karambiak”. However, the common pronunciation is the one from Philippines language that refers the knife as “karambit” (/kah-RAHM-bit/).


A karambit knife dates back to 11th century where historians and researchers believe it was first used by the Minangkabau people of West Sumatra in Indonesia. The people here designed the knife in such a way that it resembles the claws of the big cat (tiger). As we all know, a tiger uses its claws to rip, slice, and tear; the three functions this blade was designed for. Initially, the knife was used as a utility blade or farming tool and Indonesians found it handy in pruning plants, cleaning and maintaining livestock, as well as raking roots.
From Indonesia, the blade spread to other regions of the Southeast Asia; thanks to Indonesia’s thriving trade industry. It moved to places like Cambodia, Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Malaysia. But during this time, the karambit knife started to lose its main role, as it shaped into a defensive tool. Most people from these regions found it comfortable in the hand and thought they could as well use the versatile blade to defend themselves in case of an ambush. The knife’s hooking ability also convinced them that they could use it to gain control of the attacker’s appendages and render them defenseless.

The Safety Ring

Most traditional karambit knives, especially those from Philippines and Indonesia did not have a safety ring or a retention ring. But as time changed to days and days to months and months to years and years to centuries, the knife became equipped with a safety ring. The main reason behind this was to help make it more relevant for its new-found use. Today, it’s very hard to find a karambit knife without a safety ring, which is often positioned at the end of the knife’s handle. The safety ring is not there to add looks, but to allow the user to insert one finger before they hold the knife in their palm. By so doing this, you’ll prevent the knife from sliding back through your hand while working at odd angles.


The ring also offers a strong grip regardless of the condition, something that made the karambit a perfect weapon for battle. The Philippines and Indonesians used it as the last resort weapon; when a fighter had lost all of his weapons. It was also popular among women to the extent that it was referred to as a “feminine weapon”. Women could hide the blade in their hair and use it to defend themselves against an attacker.


Today, karambits are found in almost every part of the world including the U.S. where the law permits one to have a karambit, provided its blade is not over 3 inches long. It is so popular that it has been included in the game “Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO)” in 2012, where the gamer can use them as the “last resort”. Despite being designed for agricultural tasks, karambit blades have slowly evolved into fighting knives, but they have not lost their utility nature. So, you can still use them for what they were originally designed for. They come in a variety of sizes, locking mechanism, and colors to make sure there is something for everyone.